Samsung with gold design has been present like other classes, is made by samsung Galaxy S6 has a design with gold plated. The phone is presented as a phone that has a phone with a display customization premium or commonly referred to GoldGenie.
Samsung is designed by the big companies located in London with a precious metal layer which has a number of 3 layers by using a layer that is 24 carat gold and platinum are also materials rose gold.
Coating material using a mixture of materials made of metal is a display that is able to have a special attraction for the phone.
The new product will be designed with a lot of progress in terms of materials that use mobile phones of the whole body of the flagship phone of samsung mobile phones with most of Samsung's products will bring on a whole will whitewash with gold.
The launch of Samsung mobile phones which consists of a layer of gold is able to perform more dynamic than previous launches that are already using the gold layer on the bezel.
Based on the sales price of Samsung mobile phones to display the amount of money to pay the amount of the payment way Euro 1,664 for consumers that provides progress of 50 percent.
Additionally Goldgenie have prepared after consumers are ordering from users samsung gold plated. From the Goldgenie based on information that has been circulated will provide a lifetime warranty on the phone with care in order to exist with the look with gold-plated material.
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